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Jan 12, 2016

Happy New year fellow Aces! We have a fantastic show to get you brains ready for Store Championships.  Ryan and Dee have already played in one and shall do their very best to impart some wisdom onto all you little dewbacks :)

Here is the episode rundown:

  • [00:00:00]-[00:58:00] Introductions and Interview with Aaron Bonar (Kinetic Operator)
  • [00:58:00]-[01:13:00] TIE Advanced Prototype & Guidance Chip Preview
  • [01:13:00]-[01:27:00] Ello Asty, Red Ace, Hobbie with Targeting Astromech, and Integrated Astromech
  • [01:27:00]-[01:35:00] Let's name more TIE/FOs! Omega Leader = Lockdown
  • [01:35:00]-[01:43:30] Important timing windows and FAQ Changes for your upcoming Store Championships!
  • [01:44:40]-[01:54:50] Ryan and Dee's first Store Championship of the year! How'd we do?
  • [01:54:50]-[02:15:10] Ship Retrospective: The Rebel Y-Wing, Upgrade Cards of the Week, and Beginner Tips.
  • [02:15:10]-[02:41:50] Advanced Tips with Dee - Knowing Yourself and your bias
  • [02:41:50]-[03:08:17] Another Buying Guide, Ending, and Force Awakens Epilogue Discussion.

Take a break from moisture farming and connect us to the blutooth in your T-16 Skyhopper.  FLY BETTER!